By Dr. Ömer Lütfi TAŞCIOĞLU PhD, Scientific Consultative Committee of ANKA Institute
His Holiness Pope Francis addressed in his Vatican Liturgy of April 12, 2015 that relocation of the Armenians under the Ottoman Empire regime was the first genocide of the 20th century. When information about the Pope’s possible speech started to appear in the media, Turkish public became irritated and some intellectuals decided to write a letter to his Holiness Pope Francis explaining to him that the genocide claims are baseless. The letter was sent to Pope Francis and 24 clergymen of Vatican on April 10, 2015. I would like to thank Ret. Minister of State Sadi Somuncuoğlu, Associate Prof. Dr. Lale Olcay and Eng. Fatma Sarıkaya for helping me to prepare this letter.
UTNGO’s letter consists of six sections which are “Turkish Armenian Relations”, “the Armenian Uprisings During World War-I and the Relocation Decision”, “Turks Massacred by Russians and Armenians”, “ASALA Terror and Assassination of Turkish Diplomats”, “the Khojali Massacre Perpetrated by Armenians”, “the Pope and the Ottoman Government’s Efforts to Help During the Famine Period in Syria” and “Armenians Raising Their New Generations with Animosity towards Turks”. [read more]