ATAA UN Related Announcements #5
Assembly of Turkish American Associations & The Light Millennium,
associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications, proudly present:
In Commemoration of the 82nd anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s passing,
and in support of the World Science Day for Peace and Development
(UNESCO 31 C/Resolution 20) (10 November)
Honorary Speaker on Atatürk
Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations (2009-2012)
Keynote Speaker on Science
Associate Professor, the Department of Neurology,
Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine
Youth Scientist Speaker
Postdoctoral researcher, Wake Forest School of Medicine
Saturday, November 7, 2020
2:00pm-3:30pm ET (11:00am PT, 1:00pm CT, 22:00 TR)
Language: Turkish
Organized & Presented by
Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) &
ATAA Committee on UN Relations
In collaboration with
The Light Millennium
The ATAA webinar will take place online via zoom application.
Please REGISTER through the link below:
#ScienceDay #10November #Atatürk #SDG3 #GlobalHealth #ScienceForSociety #GlobalGoals
#A_T_A_A #lightmillennium #UNWithCivilSociety #UNDGC_CSO
“Real salvation is achieved by detecting and treating the disease in the society, and the treatment of the disease will be healing only if it is done in a scientific and research-based manner. Otherwise, it is known that a treatment which does not apply principles of science will never cure disease.” – M.K. Atatürk, 27 October 1922
This program aims to commemorate the founder of Turkey, M. Kemal Atatürk’s 82. Anniversary of passing (November 10, 1938), in correlation with the UN #ScienceDay (10 November) and #ScienceWeek within the context of Atatürk’s contributions in science as the pillar for peace and national development programs.
Each year November 10th is celebrated as “World Science Day for Peace and Development” by the United Nations and the member states. The purpose of the day according to UN is:
- Strengthen public awareness of the role of science for peaceful and sustainable societies
- Promote national and international solidarity for shared science between countries
- Renew national and international commitment for the use of science for the benefit of societies
- Draw attention to the challenges faced by science in raising support for the scientific endeavor
“This year, at a time when the world is struggling with the global COVID-19 pandemic, the focus of World Science Day is on “Science for and with Society in dealing with the global pandemic.”
“UNESCO’s response to COVID-19 is structured around three major pillars: (i) promoting international scientific cooperation, (ii) ensuring access to water and (iii) supporting ecological reconstruction.”
Ambassador Ertuğrul Apakan served as Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations between 2009-2012. Previously, he held the positions of Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) between 2006-2009 and Deputy Undersecretary for Bilateral Political Relations from 2004 through 2006. Throughout his diplomatic career (1971-2012), Ambassador Apakan has served at various levels in Ankara and in number of diplomatic missions (Embassies in Vienna and Kuwait, Permanent Mission to the UN Geneva Office and -as Deputy Chief of Mission and later on as Ambassador-Embassy in Lefkoşa). From August 2009 to the end of 2010, Ambassador Apakan represented Turkey at the UN Security Council (SC). He assumed the Presidency of the Council in September 2010. He also undertook the Chairmanship of three SC Committees – on counter-terrorism, sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Democratic Republic of Congo. During his term, Turkey acted as a lead country on issues related to Afghanistan. He also co-chaired the Groups of Friends of Alliance of Civilizations, Mediation and the Least Developed Countries. He actively engaged in fostering issues related to gender, girl children, ageing and disaster management in the UN context. Over the course of several years, he actively took part in the UN Cyprus talks, Turkish-Greek exploratory talks on the Aegean Sea, Turkish-EU talks, as well as negotiations on Turkish-Armenian Protocols. After completion of his duty at the MFA, Ambassador Apakan has served between 2014-2019 as the Head of the Special Monitoring Mission, an OSCE civilian mission which has been tasked to deal with the crisis in and around Ukraine. Under this capacity, he assumed the responsibility of carrying out security negotiations in Minsk for bringing durable solution to this arm conflict. Ambassador Apakan was elected as the Chairman to the Board of Advisers of International Law and Development Organization (IDLO), based in Rome, a position he still holds. He also lectures on international relations at post-graduate level in both Middle East Technical University (Ankara) and Yaşar University (Izmir). He is an active member of the well-known Turkish think tanks, the Global Relations Forum. Ertuğrul Apakan was born in 1947 in Izmir. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University with a M.A. degree on international economics. He is married with two children.
Dr. Hande Ozdinler is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Neurology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine. She received undergraduate and master’s education at Bogazici University, Molecular Biology and Genetics Department, then moved to United States to pursue a carrier in science and technology. She completed her PhD on Cell Biology, Anatomy, Neuroscience at LSUHSC in New Orleans. She then joined department of Neurosurgery at Harvard Medical School, where she studied the biology of upper motor neurons. She then moved to Northwestern University and became the founding director of the first upper motor neuron research lab in United States. She is currently a faculty at the Chemistry of Life Processes Institute, Les Turner ALS Center, Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease, and Robert H Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Research. Dr. Ozdinler received numerous awards for her scientific achievements. In addition, she was named to be one of the 30 most influential Turkish American Women in United States, and received recognition from President Barack Obama.
Seda Çamalan graduated with bachelor degree from Atılım University Computer Engineering (2009) and Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2010) with double major. After the bachelor degrees, Ms. Çamalan worked as a research assistant at Atılım University, Information Systems Engineering between the years 2010 and 2019. She has studied filtering and quantization effects on segmentation during her master degree in Atilim University, Computer Engineering department (2013). Lastly, Ms. Çamalan has graduated with doctorate degree from Atılım University, Software Engineering (2018) department with “Age and Gender Prediction from 3D Body and Face Images” title. Lastly, she is working as postdoctoral researcher in Center for Biomedical Informatics at Wake Forest School of Medicine since April, 2019. Ms. Çamalan has worked on projects about Content-based eardrum image retrieval using deep learning, Analysis of pair eardrum image classification, Grading the bladder cancer organoid using texture based image analysis, Grading and classification of early detection of pre-cancerous oral lesions (with histological evidence of dysplasia).
The ATAA, representing over 50 local chapters and 500,000 Turkish Americans throughout the United States, serves locally and nationwide to develop an informed and empowered Turkish American community and to support strong U.S.-Turkish relations. The ATAA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed under the laws of the District of Columbia in 1979. As a non-faith-based organization, ATAA is open to people of diverse backgrounds. ATAA associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications in July 2020. The founding principle of ATAA was the need to create cohesion and cooperation among the large numbers of social/cultural Turkish American organizations around the US. The Assembly’s main goal is to be a link between all communities, large or small, and pursue their interests in Washington and beyond. The main objectives of ATAA are two-fold. One is to create an informed national Turkish American community that can help foster US-Turkey relations and take an active part in promoting a balanced and truthful picture of Turkey in the US. The other is to educate Americans in government, the media, and the public at large about Turkey and issues that concern us as Turkish Americans.
A Charitable Global Human Advancement Organization (LM): Has sustained a good standing as an associated NGO with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (formerly, UN-DPI since 2005). The LM publishes online issues, organizes public events, produces-and-presents television programs on the local channels (LMTV) and develops/presents various concepts in multi-platforms. It was introduced on the Web in 1999, and officially founded based in New York in 2001 by Bircan Ünver. The LM mainly has been focused on public awareness via multi-media platforms, has encouraged active participations from the all walks of life and promotes the following matters within its capacity as a ‘rights based’ organization, based on its initial 2001 Certificate of Incorporation: Human Advancement, Democracy-Equality-Justice, Fostering World Peace, Freedom of Expression, Encouraging Intellectual Productivity, Girls-Women Rights, Cultural Diversity, Advancing Culture of Peace, and Global Connectivity… The LM is a non-religious, non-political, not-for-profit (501-c-3), nongovernmental (NGO), and independent secular organization. The Organization received the “approval” of the “Amended–and–Broadened” Certificate of Incorporation, and gained a new capacity towards becoming a ‘service’ and ‘rights’ based organization, effective as of December 17, 2019.
For more information:
ATAA Headquarters, assembly(at) , Bircan Ünver, bircanunver(at)
#ScienceDay #10November #Atatürk #SDG3 #GlobalHealth #ScienceForSociety #GlobalGoals
#A_T_A_A #lightmillennium #UNWithCivilSociety #UNDGC_CSO