Our Mission
The founding principle of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) was the need to create cohesion and cooperation between the large numbers of social/cultural Turkish American organizations around the US. The Assembly’s main goal is to be a link between all communities, large or small, and pursue their interests in Washington and beyond.
The main objectives of ATAA are two-fold. One is to create an informed national Turkish American community that can help foster US-Turkish relations and take an active part in promoting a balanced and truthful picture of Turkey in the US. The other is to educate Americans in government, the media and the public at large about Turkey and issues that concern us as Turkish Americans.
In pursuit of its mission and objectives, ATAA undertakes a number of activities, such as annual conferences on contemporary political, social and economic issues related to Turkey and US Turkish relations; educational seminars for Turkish American communities on grassroots advocacy and civic leadership; and cultural events to promote Turkey’s rich traditions, art and heritage.
Working as an information clearinghouse, ATAA regularly publishes reference material on issues that concern the Turkish American community. ATAA e-bulletins, including Community Information Services (CIS), Grassroots Information Services (GIS) and monthly newsletters, reach tens of thousands of readers from the United States to Turkey, as well as many other countries.