Become an ATAA Member

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA). By becoming an ATAA member you will be part of a network of Turkish-Americans and friends of Türkiye who care about the historic relationship between the two peoples and who are aware of the crucial role each one of us plays in strengthening the relationship and promoting an accurate and fair picture of Türkiye and Turks.

Membership Categories

ATAA offers individual and component membership levels to help you personalize your involvement and interaction with the association.  All memberships are valid for 12 months from date of payment. Memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable.

ATAA Individual Membership

Eligibility for Membership:

Assembly Members shall be individuals who concur with the goals and aspirations of ATAA. They shall apply, and must be admitted, for membership.

  • Application for Membership:
    Application for Assembly membership shall be with a letter expressing interest to join ATAA. Please click here to send your letter of intent.
  • Acceptance for Membership:
    Acceptance to Assembly Membership shall be upon approval by the Secretary.

For any single donation of $300 and above ATAA will send you a letter confirming your donation, For any single donation under $300, your cleared check, credit card statement may serve as proof of your donation for tax purposes. If you receive any benefits/services in return for your donation, a portion of your donation may not be tax-deductible, please consult your accountant.

Benefits: All dues-paying members have the right to attend and participate in general meetings, have the right to submit nominations and vote in ATAA Board of Directors, and Board of Trustees elections as prescribed in the ATAA Bylaws.
Benefits: In addition to the benefits above, your card will be automatically charged when your annual membership payment is due. If you decide to cancel your subscription with ATAA, please do not hesitate to call us at 202.483.9090.

Special Membership Categories

ATAA offers special membership categories in order to give special recognition and say thank you to those who have generously contributed far above regular membership dues for so many years.

Benefits: Special recognition in ATAA Annual Donor list. Special recognition and 1/8 page message/ad in Convention Booklet. 10% discount on all paid ATAA activities and publications.
Benefits: In addition to the benefits above, your card will be automatically charged when your annual membership payment is due. If you decide to cancel your subscription with ATAA, please do not hesitate to call us at 202.483.9090.
Benefits: Special recognition in ATAA Annual Donor list. Special recognition and 1/4 page ad in Convention Booklet. 15% discount on all paid ATAA activities and publications.
Benefits: Special recognition in ATAA Annual Donor list. Special recognition and 1/2 page message/ad in Convention Booklet. 20% discount on all paid ATAA activities and publications.
Benefits: Special recognition and fullpage message/ad in Convention Booklet. Special recognition in ATAA Annual Donor list. 20% discount on all paid ATAA activities and publications.
Benefits: Recognition as Corporate Member in ATAA Annual Donor list. Two full registration packages to ATAA Convention. Full Page advertisement in Convention Booklet. Logo on ATAA’s web site with link to sponsor’s homepage.
Benefits: Recognition as Lifetime Member in ATAA Annual Donor list. Two full registration packages to ATAA Convention. Full Page advertisement in Convention Booklet. Logo on ATAA’s web site with link to sponsor’s homepage.

ATAA Component Membership

(For annual membership renewal payment, please click here.)

Application to become an ATAA component association must be made in writing to the ATAA Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will determine the eligibility of the applicant to become a component association.  The President of the Assembly shall report the recommendation of the Board to the next annual Assembly of Delegates. Component status shall be granted upon an affirmative simple majority vote of the delegates present.

Eligibility for Membership: 1. The Component Association shall have goals and aspirations consistent with those of ATAA, as demonstrated by their Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. 2. The Component Association shall apply, and must be accepted, for membership as discussed in the next section. 3. An applicant association and, upon approval to membership, a Component Association, shall not engage in activities that are at cross purposes with an existing ATAA Component Association. 4. An applicant association must have been incorporated and functional for at least 3 months prior to mailing its application. 5. Upon approval, the Component Association shall fulfill the following, annual requirements (the records listed below shall also be submitted as changes occur):

  • Pay membership dues set by the ATAA Board of Directors.
  • Send the names, addresses and telephone numbers of its Board of Directors.
  • Send a copy of association’s current membership and address list.

Be prepared to designate the delegates that will represent the association at ATAA Assembly of Delegates meetings. Application for Membership: 1. A letter of intent expressing interest to join ATAA shall be forwarded to ATAA. 2. The following requirements are submitted with the membership application form:

  • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of its Board of Directors
  • List of names and addresses of current membership
  • $300 membership fee (for online payment, please click here.)

The following documents do not need to be submitted but must be available for review if needed:

  • Articles of Incorporation of the association
  • Bylaws of the association.
  • Annual budget and activity list