On July 14, 2020,  Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA)’ “Association” with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (UN-DGC) was approved and ATAA Committee on UN Relations was formed. Under the leadership of ATAA President Gӧkhan Özalp (2020-2022), and with assistance of Bircan Ünver the Founder-President of the Light Millennium, a Charitable Global Human Advancement Organization (LMGlobal.Org), ATAA-UN Association was established.

Gökhan Özalp
Gökhan ÖzalpATAA Former President (2020-23)
Bircan Ünver
Bircan ÜnverFirst Chairperson

ATAA UN Relations Committee (2024-2025)

Executive Officers

Dr. Nilufer Esen-Bilgin
Dr. Nilufer Esen-BilginATAA President
Alev Wieland
Alev WielandATAA President Elect & UN Committee Co-Chair
Yücel B. Tavolara
Yücel B. Tavolara UN Committee Co-Chair & Membership Committee Chair
Saime Atakan-Kasım
Saime Atakan-KasımATAA Youth Representative

ATAA UN Relations Committee (2024-2025)


Dr. Selim Erhan
Dr. Selim ErhanATAA Board of Trustees Member
Dr. Levent Onat
Dr. Levent OnatATAA Southeast Region Past VP
Burcu Tansu
Burcu TansuATAA Western Region Past VP
Demet Edeer
Demet EdeerTurkish-Canadian Society Member
Nilgün Özsoy
Nilgün Özsoy Indiana-American Turkish Association Past President
Zuhal Kavak
Zuhal KavakTurkish-Canadian Society President
Dr. Fatma Gül
Dr. Fatma GülContemporary Education Foundation President
Canan Özaktay
Canan ÖzaktayATAA Southeast Region VP
Gizem Kılıç
Gizem KılıçPhD student, Cornell University

ATAA UN Relations Committee Youth Forum


Ela Gӧkçiğdem
Ela Gӧkçiğdem
Burcu Alapala
Burcu Alapala
Canan Bulut
Canan Bulut
Bengisu Kara
Bengisu Kara
Ceyda Ural
Ceyda Ural
Sanem Kara
Sanem Kara
Ezgi Satıroğlu
Ezgi Satıroğlu
Ece Yenigün
Ece Yenigün
Yasemin Knott
Yasemin Knott
Arden Van Winkle
Arden Van Winkle
Selin Gürdikyan
Selin Gürdikyan
Alin Gürdikyan
Alin Gürdikyan
Lara Gürdikyan
Lara Gürdikyan
Arda Keskin
Arda Keskin
Bora Gündoğan
Bora Gündoğan
Alya Rana
Alya Rana
Sinemis Kobaner
Sinemis Kobaner
Serkan Gomez
Serkan Gomez
Levent Ozaktay
Levent Ozaktay
Sean Özalpasan
Sean Özalpasan

UN Partner Organizations

Hülya Koç
Hülya KoçETAC-USA Co-Founder & Co-President
Atiye Bayman
Atiye BaymanETAC-USA Co-President
Nağme Uçar Erberk
Nağme Uçar ErberkETAC-USA Vice-President
Şaduman Gloria Güzel
Şaduman Gloria GüzelETAC-USA UN Volunteer
Dr. Ebru Çetin Milci
Dr. Ebru Çetin MilciETAC-USA
Berna Gürdal
Berna GürdalTWLA President
Fatma Aldaş
Fatma AldaşTWLA Past VP
Esra Doğru
Esra DoğruTWLA Vice President
Bircan Ünver
Bircan ÜnverThe Light Millennium Founder

ATAA – UN Commitments


July 14, 2020, Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) “Association” with United Nations Department of Global Communications (UN-DGC) was approved and ATAA Committee on UN Relations was formed.

UN Expectations

Join the global effort to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, promote and defend human rights, and promote peace and security.

  • Follow the guidelines on the appropriate use of the SDGs visual material
  • CSO is entitled to receive six grounds passes each year to enter United Nations Headquarters in New York. (subject to change due to COVID)
  • CSO Representatives are invited to attend the Thematic Briefings organized by the Civil Society Unit in DGC, featuring United Nations officials, government officials and other experts from the civil society community.
  • Every two years CSO organization is requested to submit a compulsory “Biennial Review,”. Biennial Review is required to further designate representatives from your organization to DGC.

ATAA Expectations

Purpose of the ATAA Committee on UN Relations is to identify and implement UN Projects within ATAA collectively with the Associate Organizations.   Be the liaison between ATAA – UN-DGC relations and take an active part in promoting our projects and issues that concern Turkish Americans in UN-DGC.


  • Engage with the United Nations, on issues of global concern and in line with UN priorities.
  • Empowered as the voice of Turkish American and Turkish Canadian Associations in the UN
  • Communicate, educate, and find solutions to the problems impacting our community and sustain.


  • Identify inspiring projects to implement that relative to our community members from 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Get Turkish American Communities engaged in the projects identified
  • Identify and collaborate with other CSO organizations within UN
  • Utilize Zoom Webinar Technology for the projects

Core Values Committee Operates By

  • Mutual respect and trust
  • Listen each other with open mind
  • Don’t beat dead horse
  • Punctuality
  • Consensus decision making
  • We are accountable to each other
  • Transparency: avoid hidden agendas


Upcoming Events & Projects

  • January 25, 2025 | Compulsory Peace Education Through ICT
  • February 23, 2025 | Why I am Speaking Turkish | Online Registration
  • March 9, 2025 | Youth Accelerating Action in Gender Equality
  • April 27, 2025 | Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace
  • May 3, 2025 | UN Committee Presentation at the ATAA 2025 Annual Conference
  • June 9-13 | World Ocean Conference- Nice, France
  • October 12, 2025 | World Food Day – Turkish Gastronomy
  • November 16, 2025 | World Science Day for Peace and Development
  • December 5, 2025 | Turkish Coffee Day
  • TBD-2026 | World Turkish Language Day Conference
  • ATAA Tree Planting Campaign


Past Events & Projects

In the News


Why I am Speaking Turkish

This program highlights the history of Turkish language and dialects.  Turkish is very similar to other Turkic languages like Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Uzbek, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz, as they all belong to the same Altaic language family and share significant similarities in grammar and vocabulary. 

Compulsory Peace Education Through ICTs

Join us for the fourth session–virtual–of the groundbreaking initiative through international participation, “Compulsory Peace Education and Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) from Kindergarten to K-12, and Beyond” (CPE-ICTs-K12)

Cultivating a Culture of Peace and Development

Celebrated every November 10, World Science Day for Peace and Development highlights the significant role of science in society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. It also underlines the importance and relevance of science in our daily lives.

Çeşme-Hatay Mastic Tree Bridge Project

This year, as Türkiye celebrates the 101st anniversary of the Republic, we invite you to leave your mark on a campaign that honors the past while shaping the future—an opportunity to help build a greener, more sustainable world for [...]

The Splendor of Istanbul: A Journey Through Time and Tradition

On April 28, 2024, Assembly of Turkish American Associations, Empowering the Turkish American Community, Turkish Women’s League of America, and Turkish American Cultural Association of Michigan will hold a virtual event titled “Prosperous Future for All Through Multilateral Dialogue".

Prosperous Future for All Through Multilateral Dialogue

On April 28, 2024, Assembly of Turkish American Associations, Empowering the Turkish American Community, Turkish Women’s League of America, and Turkish American Cultural Association of Michigan will hold a virtual event titled “Prosperous Future for All Through Multilateral Dialogue".

Describing Women in a Drop of Water

On March 10, 2024, The Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA), formally associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC), will hold a virtual event titled “Describing Women in a Drop of Water (Bir su damlasında kadını anlatmak)”

Mother Language as the Second Language

On February 25, 2024, The Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA), and Turkish Women League of America (TWLA), formally associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC), will hold a virtual event titled “Mother Language as the Second Language”

Panel Discussion on World Science Day for Peace and Development

On November 19, 2023, ATAA, formally associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC), will hold a virtual event titled “World Science Day for Peace and Development” in commemoration of the 85th anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s passing and in support of World Science Day, UNESCO 31/C Res. 20 | 10 November.

ATAA Tree Planting Campaign

We can all act now to improve urban canopy by planting trees locally in our homes and communities, nationally in North America, and Türkiye.

Contribute and Become an Essential Part of the Solution

ATAA UN Related Announcement# 22 World Environment Day serves as a reminder that we all have a responsibility to protect and preserve our planet. By making sustainable choices in our daily lives, promoting eco-friendly practices, and advocating for policies [...]

ATAA UN World Day for Safety and Health at Work

ATAA, formally associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC), presenting an article written by an expert member of its community in support of the UN World Day of Safety and Health at Work 28 April. 

ATAA-UN STEM Program Fundraising

ATAA is raising funds to enable 12 students and 2 teachers of EMONER Robotics School for the First World Robotics Competition taking place in New York City.

Turks in Action Now for Water in Future

“Turks in Action Now for Water in Future”, March 23, 2023, Türk Evi Center, NY Organized by the ATAA in support of the #UN2023WaterConference.

ATAA 2023 International Women’s Day Webinar

In support of the International Women's Day (March 8), The Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) presents "ATAA 2023 International Women’s Day Webinar" on March 12, 2023.

ATAA UN 2023 Water Conference Proposal

ATAA UN 2023 Water Conference Proposal in support of the #UN2023WaterConference and in connection with the INTERACTIVE DIALOGUE THEME 5 – Water Action Decade (2018 – 2028)

ATAA 2022 Youth Competition

ATAA United Nations Committee is again happy to present another opportunity to young Turkish-Americans to prepare and present a program that will help them get involved in global affairs, learn how to prepare a high-quality program, and learn how to efficiently work in teams.

Virtual Event: UN International Day of Peace Celebration

Virtual Event in Support of  “UN International Day of Peace, 21 September” UN INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE CELEBRATION SEPTEMBER 25, 2022 Jointly organized by the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA), associated with the United Nations Department of Global [...]

The Ecosystem Restoration: Reimagine, Recreate, Restore

Nature is definitely sending us warning signs. Fires, floods, droughts and superstorms are happening more frequently and posing danger to life and property around the globe. Melting ice caps and warming oceans are destroying coral ecosystems

ATAA Supports 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

On Sunday, November 21, 2021, ATAA hosted a webinar titled, “Violence Against Women: Fund, Prevent, Respond”, in support of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality.

Violence Against Women: Fund, Prevent, Respond!

In support of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Sustainable Development Goal#5: Gender Equality, ATAA and the ATAA Committee on UN Relations proud to present a webinar on "Violence against Women: Fund, Prevent, Respond!" on November 21, 2021.

ATAA Virtual Event – 2021 World Environment Day Celebration

In support of United Nations (UN) World Environment Day, the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) Committee on UN Relations is excited to announce its first-ever “The 2021 World Environment Day Science Project Competition” for the youth and students of Turkish American and Canadian American communities.

ATAA 2021 World Environment Day Science Project Competition

In support of United Nations (UN) World Environment Day, Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) is pleased to announce its first-ever “The 2021 World Environment Day Science Project Competition” for the youth and students of Turkish American and Canadian American communities.

The Impact of Turkish Women in the US

Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) and ATAA Committee on UN Relations proudly present a webinar on "The Impact of Turkish Women in the United States" in support of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)5: Gender Equality on Sunday March, 7, 2021.

ATAA “Toplum ile Toplum için Bilim” Webinarı

ATAA UN Related Announcements #5 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün (10 Kasım 1938) aramızdan ayrılışının 82. Yıldönümü Anısına ve UNESCO’nun 31 C/20 no’lu Kararnamesi çerçevesinde; BARIŞ VE GELİŞME İÇİN DÜNYA BİLİM GÜNÜ (10 Kasım) ve Uluslararası Bilim Haftasına katkı amacıyla; Webinarı'nı Birleşmiş [...]

ATAA Webinar – Science with and for Society

ATAA UN Related Announcements #5 Assembly of Turkish American Associations & The Light Millennium, associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications, proudly present: In Commemoration of the 82nd anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's passing, and in support of [...]

ATAA Celebrates Turkey’s 75th Anniversary at the United Nations

On October 18, the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA), in collaboration with Atatürk Society of America and The Light Millennium Organization, hosted a webinar titled “Let’s Join in the World’s Largest Conversation #UN75, and Celebrate Turkey’s 75th Anniversary at [...]

ATAA Webinar – Let’s Celebrate Turkey’s 75th Anniversary at the UN

In support of the President of the UN General Assembly's 75th Session, Assembly of Turkish American Associations, Atatürk Society of America and The Light Millennium present a webinar titled “Let's join in the world's largest conversation #un75, and celebrate Turkey's 75th anniversary at the UN” on October 18, 2020.

ATAA Celebrates UN International Day of Peace

September 21, 2020  | Virginia-  On the UN International Day of Peace, the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) calls upon the nations and international communities to respect a cessation of hostilities and make their best efforts to find a [...]

Informative Meeting on ATAA’s Association with the UN

On September 13, 2020, the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) celebrated its association with the UN-DGC during a webinar titled “An Informative Meeting on ATAA’s Association with the UN Department of Global Communications” (UN-DGC)

ATAA is Proud to Announce Its Association with the UN-DGC

July 18, 2020 | Arlington, VA  - With the full support of its members and member organizations, the Board of Directors of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) unanimously decided to start the “Association” process with the United Nations [...]

ATAA Becomes Associate Member of the UN-DGC

With the full support of its members and member organizations, the Board of Directors of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) unanimously decided to start the “Association” process with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (UN-DGC) on March [...]