September 21, 2020  | Virginia-  On the UN International Day of Peace, the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) calls upon the nations and international communities to respect a cessation of hostilities and make their best efforts to find a common ground to solve conflicts and disputes peacefully.

On this special day, ATAA remembers M. Kemal Atatürk, founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey, and his most famous quote: “Peace at Home, Peace in the World” which became the guiding principle of Turkish foreign policy.

The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly. Two decades later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously voted to designate the Day as a period of non-violence and cease-fire. The United Nations invites all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities during the Day, and to otherwise commemorate the Day through education and public awareness on issues related to peace.