Blossoms within unity and solidarity, nurtured by justice,
strengthened by environmental protection.

“Turks are in action for sustainable future”

Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) and Turkish Women’s League of America (TWLA), New York Atatürk School, prepared this educational children’s book, “PAINTING COMPETITION BOOK”,  in Turkish and English.

In 2023, as part of the UN International Water Conference, ATAA and its partners made commitment to support UN Sustainable Development goals.  Part of these commitments was to educate our community and children.  We prepared this book for our community’s children to educate them about peace, friendship, respect diversity, honesty, love, and environment.

Children’s Art Competition is organized by TWLA, NY Atatürk School.  The theme of the competition, inspired by the vision of the founder of the Republic of Türkiye, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, encapsulated in his phrase “Peace at Home, Peace in the World“, has been determined as “World Peace.”

Proceeds from this book will help to purchase the 2024 Art Competition Awards and ATAA 2024 UN Youth Awards and help us to sponsor 8 student participation at the ATAA 2024 Annual Conference.

We appreciate everyone’s help to distribute this book.

(Please click on image to display larger version)

When you donate $20 or more, we will send you the e-book via email.

All proceeds from donations will help us to purchase the awards to be given to the winner of the 2024 Art Competition.

Publisher: Assembly of Turkish American Associations, Turkish Women’s League of America, New York Atatürk School

Cover Art and Booklet designed by Prof. Dr. Emine Nas
Editors: Prof. Dr. Emina Nas, Alev Wieland, Berna Gürdal