As part of its online webinar series, the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) organized a special webinar on the 97th anniversary of Republic Day of Turkey on October 25th, 2020.

The special online program started with October 29 celebration messages from ATAA President Gökhan Özalp, ATAA Board members and presidents of 17 ATAA component associations.

Orhan Ilgaz Ülger, Past President of Turkish American Cultural Alliance (TACA) introduced the keynote speaker, retired General İlker Başbuğ.

In his speech,  General Başbug, gave detailed information on the historical events and struggles that Turkish nation faced during the period between 1923 and 1961 period, explained how the idea of the Republic was shaped in Atatürk’s mind, and emphasized how difficult it was to make the decision of abolishing the Ottoman Sultanate. The declaration of the Republic and foundation of modern Turkey would not have been possible without abolition of the Sultanate.

General Başbuğ’s talk  was followed by Q&A session.

The second part of the program continued with the guest speaker Ms. Zeynep Oral, Turkish journalist and writer. Following the introduction by Aydın Durgunoğlu, President of Turkish American Association of Minnesota (TAAM), Ms. Oral gave an on point and sentimental talk about the gained advantages of the Republic, and the current situation in Turkey in which those gains are under attack facing the danger of being demolished. She emphasized that to over come these  threats Turkish people have to re-establish scientific and secular education system, and empower the non-government organizations. Ms. Oral ended her  speech describing the Republic in her dreams.

The program was completed with the Alaturca Connection, San Francisco Bay Area music band which performed favorite songs of Atatürk.

ATAA would like to thank the following associations for their support to the Turkish Republic Day Special Program:

American Turkish Association of Washington, DC | ATADC
Association of Turkish Americans of Southern California | ATASC
Empowering the Turkish American Community | ETAC
Florida Turkish American Association| FTAA
Maryland American Turkish Association | MATA
Turkish American Association of Alabama | TAAA
Turkish American Association of Arizona | TAAAZ
Turkish American Association of California | TAAC
Turkish American Association of Central Ohio | TAACO
Turkish American Association of Minnesota | TAAM
Turkish American Cultural Alliance | TACA
Turkish American Cultural Association of Michigan | TACAM
Turkish American Cultural Society of Colorado | TACSCO
Turkish American Association of North Texas | TURANT
Turkish American Society of Northeastern Ohio | TASNO

The program lasted more than two hours and was participated enthusiastically by over 700 people. The video recording of the webinar can be viewed at the link below:

Happy Republic Day to all Turkish People!