The Turkish Century: Türkiye’s Path to Global Prominence
The Turkish Century: Türkiye’s Path to Global Prominence March 30, [...]
The Turkish Century: Türkiye’s Path to Global Prominence March 30, [...]
Türk Amerikan Dernekleri Kurulu (ATAA)’nın Alexandria,VA’daki Türk Evi’nde araştırmacı gazeteci yazar Yılmaz Polat ATAA üyeleri, Türk Amerikan toplum temsilcileri ve basın mensupları ile bir araya gelerek yeni kitaplarını imzaladı.
January 16, 2021 - I am humbled and honored to take the role of president of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA). My sincere thanks to our immediate past president Mr. Gokhan Ozalp, for his contributions to ATAA during his presidency.
Dear Members of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations and [...]
Dear Friend: Today, we are writing to appeal for your [...]
In commemoration of the 82nd anniversary of the passing of [...]
By Nilgun Anadolu-Okur, Ph.D. “A riot is the language of [...]
As part of its online webinar series, the Assembly of [...]
On October 18, the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA), [...]
Dr. N. Brent Kennedy III, founder of the Melungeon Heritage [...]